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Working Together To Protect Children

Through ongoing events, training and demonstrations, we do our part to protect children around the world.

Our Safety Partners

We partner with multiple organisations to spread awareness of child safety and the prevention of accidental ingestion.

CAPT (Child Accident Prevention Trust)

We have sponsored the CAPT’s annual Child Safety Week for over 20 years. This event raises awareness of serious child accidents and educates parents and carers on how to prevent these. Bitrex provides Taste Test Kits for the ‘Big Taste Test’, an event where thousands of people across the UK gather together to try the bitter taste of Bitrex for themselves!

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This French organisation provides simulated animations and training to help prevent everyday accidents. As part of their Giant House demonstrations, they show adults what the world looks like through the eyes of a two-year-old child and how this can impact their safety in a domestic setting.

Prevent’Eure has been a proud partner for more than ten years, and they educate parents on the added safety of products containing Bitrex.

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American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

ACI is dedicated to advancing public understanding of the safety and benefits of cleaning products and protecting the ability of its members to formulate products that best meet consumer needs.

Bitrex sponsors ACI’s ‘Packets Up’ campaign, which is an initiative to educate consumers about laundry safety as part of its ongoing effort to help reduce the number of accidents related to liquid laundry packets.

ACI and industry manufacturers continue to work closely with public safety officials and consumer groups to identify best practices and understand accidents to reduce their occurrence.


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Keep Caps From Kids

Bitrex is proud to partner with AISE’s Keep Caps From Kids Campaign.

The campaign is addressed to parents and people looking after young children and aims to avoid misuse of liquid laundry detergent capsules.

The goal is to provide concrete advice on how to prevent kids from being hurt and how to use laundry capsules safely and store them out of the reach of children.

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