Information about the standards we have followed in building this website, to make it accessible to people regardless of technology or ability. This website has been built to meet level Single-A of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. It has been built using code compliant with W3C standards for HTML and CSS. The site displays correctly in current browsers and using standards compliant HTML / CSS code means any future browsers will also display it correctly. While we strive to adhere to the accepted guidelines and standards for accessibility and usability, it is not always possible to do so in all areas of the website. If you experience any difficulty in accessing the Veranova website, please contact us.
General accessibility of this website:
- This website and all web pages were designed to be viewed on a broad range of screen resolutions
- Use your browser’s text resize option to modify the size of text (often View > Text size)
- When descriptive captions or text tags provide helpful or additional context, they are used alongside images
- We have run tests on the text and background colour combinations to evaluate contrast and believe that there is sufficient contrast in almost all instances
- We use a user-friendly menu on each site page that uses HTML headings, which enables easier navigation of the page structure
- The page presentation is controlled by Cascading Style Sheets. We leverage markup that is properly structured for content. The information contained on the site can be viewed and accessed even if Style Sheets are disabled or unsupported.
- Fields follow a clear and logical sequence to support ease of navigation
- A sitemap, which conveys information about the site layout, is available
Browser Compatibility
This website is designed to be viewed and to function on the most current version of the following desktop browsers.
- Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
Ensure that you are running the most current browser version. You can find the latest browser versions by visiting external sites such as
Changing Text Size
Users that are viewing the website on a desktop PC can increase text size by following these steps:
- Mozilla Firefox: In your browser, go to View, select Zoom, select Zoom Text Only, select Zoom In
- Google Chrome: In your browser, go to Options (located in the upper-right corner of the browser, denoted by three dots), locate Zoom, select the desired percentage by pressing + or –
Users that are viewing the website on a desktop PC can increase text size by following these steps:
- Mozilla Firefox: Go to the View menu, then Text size and select Increase/decrease text size
- Safari: Go to the View menu and select Zoom in
To reset the zoom setting:
- Most Browsers: Use the Ctrl + 0 command
Page Navigation
To utilize your keyboard to navigate the page:
- Arrow Keys: For scrolling up and down a page
- Page Up Key: For moving up pages
- Page Down Key: For moving down pages
- Home Key: For moving to the top of pages
- End Key: For moving to the bottom of pages
- Tab Key: For jumping between links on a page
Downloading Certain Documents from Website
In order to view or download certain documents on this website, specific programs or applications must be installed on your computer.
- PDF (.pdf) files require Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded at
- Additionally, you may require Microsoft Office applications or version updates to your software package in order to access documents using the .docx (Word), .xlsx (Excel), or .pptx (PowerPoint) file formats