
Affinché i bambini possano essere bambini.

Il Bitrex è la sostanza più amara al mondo! Da oltre 60 anni contribuiamo a rendere i prodotti più sicuri e a proteggere i bambini dagli avvelenamenti accidentali.

Rendiamo i prodotti più sicuri da 60 anni

Siamo stati pionieri nello sviluppo di questo additivo di sicurezza, e collaboriamo con produttori e rivenditori a livello globale per rendere sgradevole il sapore dei loro prodotti. Essendo curiosi per natura, i bambini piccoli mettono in bocca tutto ciò che trovano sul loro cammino. Il sapore sgradevole del Bitrex li induce a sputare oggetti pericolosi, contribuendo a prevenire gli incidenti da ingestione.

Man mano che si evolvono, i prodotti diventano sempre più piccoli e concentrati. Ciò ha reso ancora più critico il ruolo del Bitrex nel contribuire alla sicurezza dei bambini.

Aziende che utilizzano il Bitrex

Aziende che utilizzano il Bitrex
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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating this holiday!

If you’ve got a big family dinner to enjoy, remember to be thankful for everyone around the dinner table.

And if they’re a bit messy there are lots of cleaning products that contain Bitrex to make it spick and span again 🧼.

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #HappyThanksgiving

If you tried a starry night safari why not get your kids to recreate the constellations they saw - or even make up their own 💫

Remember to tag us in your creations!

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #NightSky #Crafting

One of our favourite things about kids is their wild imagination 🦄

What’s been the most absurd question you’ve been asked as a parent?

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #LetKidsBeKids

This National Children’s Day we’re all about the safety and happiness of your little ones.

Share something your children did today that made you smile 👇

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #HappyChildren

We’re on a mission to help improve the safety of all kinds of different products, and our partnership with Arm & Hammer on their 5 in 1 Power Paks is just one example!

Look out for our logo and if you want to see what other household products we’ve partnered with, just take a look at

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents

The Famous Five, Winnie The Pooh, The Gruffalo. Some children’s books stick with us for a lifetime 📚

What was your favourite book when you were younger?

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #Reading #ChildrensBooks

During November why not go on a star spotting safari with your kids 🔭

There are plenty of constellations to watch out for including Andromeda, Cassiopeia and Orion.

Let us know below what ones you want to spot this month!

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #NightSky

Sparks are flying this Bonfire Night 🎇

If your family are using sparklers this year, remember to get your kids to wear cosy mittens and to hold the sparklers away from their faces 🧤

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #BonfireNight

Heading out to your first Bonfire Night?

Make sure everyone is wrapped up and cosy. You could even bring ear protection for you little ones if they have sensitive ears.

But most of all stay safe and enjoy the magic 🎆

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents #BonfireNight

However your kids communicate with you, it’s so important to show love and listen to their stories.

Let us know below how your little ones show you they love you ❤️

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #SafeChildren #NewParents

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