
Damit Kinder Kinder sein können.

Bitrex ist die bitterste Substanz der Welt. Seit mehr als 60 Jahren tragen wir dazu bei, Produkte sicherer zu machen und Kinder vor versehentlichen Vergiftungen zu schützen.

Seit über 60 Jahren machen wir Produkte sicherer

Als erstes Unternehmen haben wir diesen Bitterstoff entwickelt und arbeiten mit Herstellern und Einzelhändlern auf der ganzen Welt zusammen, um ihren Produkten einen abstoßenden Geschmack zu verleihen. Sollten neugierige Kinder also etwas in den Mund bekommen, was sie nicht essen oder trinken sollten, werden sie es sofort ausspucken und eine versehentliche Vergiftung vermeiden.

Angesichts der zunehmenden Herausforderungen durch immer kleinere und konzentriertere Produkte ist die Rolle von Bitrex für die Sicherheit von Kindern heute wichtiger denn je.

Marken, die Bitrex einsetzen

Marken, die Bitrex einsetzen
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The work of a parent is never done.

But it’s important to take some time to yourself whenever you can grab it 🫧

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #SafeHomes #SafeChildren #TreatYourself

It’s National Wildlife Day today! Celebrate with your little ones by getting outside and teaching them about the great outdoors 🌳

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #Families #Parents #NationalWildlifeDay

Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day! Celebrate with a BBQ or campfire - or a small candle inside if the weather is terrible. Remember to keep your little ones safe around open flames 🔥

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #Summer #NationalToastedMarshmallowDay

So we all that know Bitrex is bitter - but just how bitter is it? Well, the Guinness World Records has crowned Bitrex as `the most bitter substance in the world’ 👑 So there’s the proof right there!

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #OurName #GuinnessWorldRecords

The one must-have road trip accessory is a miniature first aid kit 🚗 The perfect car companion to keep you and your little ones safe. ��What to include:
Antiseptic wipes
Stickers (for being so brave)

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #RoadTrips #FirstAidKit

Mosquito and bug bites can ruin any party 🎉

Check for the Bitrex logo on insect repellents and that’s one less thing to bug 🦟 you this summer (sorry).

Follow us for more tips.

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #BugBites #Summer #MosquitoSeason

Do your children feel uncomfortable around dogs? Here are some tips to help build their confidence around them 🐩

🦮Keep safe distances from dogs but encourage positive thoughts

🗣️Narrate the experience to make it less scary

📚Read books with pictures of dogs

🧸Act out a role play with toy dogs

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #ParentingTips #Dogs

Fresh and fun fruit salads are the perfect summer snack 🍎🍌🍉

Choose from three to create your ideal fruit salad and share your combo below.

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #FruitSalads #HealthyMeals #Summer

In the summer heat, there’s nothing like a handheld fan to cool you down quick 🌬️

We’ve proudly partnered with Duracell, so that the next time you replace the lithium coin batteries in your fan, you’ll know that there’s a non-toxic Bitrex layer applied on the back side of the cell.

Keep cool and safe this summer 😎

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #LastLineOfDefence #SafeChildren #Duracell #Batteries

Get crafty with your kids outdoors 🪴 Pick up a rock or stone (not too small - choking hazard) and some child-safe paints and start creating a whole family of characters. Tag @bitrexglobal in any projects you complete together - we love to see it ❤️

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #GetCrafty #PaintedRocks #SafeChildren

World Breastfeeding Week is held in the first week of August every year, supported by WHO, UNICEF and more.

We hope that breastfeeding mums feel appreciated and get all the support they need in work, at home and in public ❤️

#ChildSafety #Bitrex #SafeKids #BitterSubstance #SafeHomes #Families #Parents #WorldBreastFeedingWeek #SafeChildren #NewParents

Gemeinsam können wir die Welt zu einem sichereren Ort für die ganze Familie machen.

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